Breakfast Club
Admission to Breakfast Club is £2 per day and includes three items from the menu.
Opening Times : 08.00 – 08.55am (Monday to Friday, Term time only)
A nutritious breakfast is provided, which includes hot food, cereal, toast, fruit juice, milk or water. There will also be a ‘themed’ breakfast from time to time giving the children the opportunity to try different foods. Please make staff aware of any food allergies.
Activities in Breakfast Club
Your child will have the opportunity to complete homework that they may have or take part in the various activities that are provided, which include playing board games, arts and crafts, dance sessions, physical activities and other stimulating activities suitable for all age groups.
Opening Times
To ensure safe arrival, all children must be dropped off at the Early Years entrance and contact made with a member of the team.
Once registered/booked in, children can be left at the breakfast club between 8:00 am. Entry to the Breakfast Club closes at 8:30am.
Magic Breakfast at St. Bernadette's
Why is Breakfast important?
Eating breakfast is a vital part of improving learning, school attendance, health and wellbeing for children and young people. We all want our children to be well fuelled, starting the day ready to learn.
Having breakfast at school makes a big impact across a child’s education. It’s not just a great start to the day. It is also proven to positively impact educational attainment, concentration, focus and behaviour of all pupils in the classroom.
How this looks in our school.
All children will be able to have breakfast in their classrooms with their friends before they start their daily lessons. This includes breakfast club pupils. They will receive extra breakfast items if they want them.
Milk and fruit will continue to be available for children in FS and KS1. If you still want your children to bring a snack into school for break time, please can you ensure that it is healthy. No crisps, chocolate or energy drinks.