The School Day
We have a 'soft start' at St. Bernadette's. Class doors open at 8:45am. This means that children can come into school calmly and begin their learning. School officially at 8:55am and ends at 3:25pm. Daily routines vary depending on which Key Stage your child is in. The school gates will be closed at 8:55am. The school week is 32.5 hours long.
Children enter the school via their classroom door from 8:45am (12:05pm for afternoon FS1 children). At the end of the day they will be released from their classroom door
- 8:45am Soft start (children may enter school)
- 8:55am Registration
- 10:40am – 10:55am Morning Break
- 12:00pm – 12:55pm Lunch
- 3:25pm Home time
Key Stage One
Children line up on the playground from 8:45am and are collected by their teacher. At the end of the day they will be released from the playground.
- 8:45am Soft start (children may enter school)
- 8:55am Registration
- 10:40am – 10:55am Morning Break
- 12:15pm – 1:10pm Lunch
- 3:25pm Home time
Key Stage Two
Classes are collected from the playground by their teacher at 8:45am. At the end of the day they leave via the Key Stage Two entrance to meet their parents and carers.
- 8:45am Soft start (children may enter school)
- 8:55am Registration
- 11:10am – 11:25am Morning Break
- 12:30pm - 1:25pm Lunch
- 3:25pm Home time